Plastic moulded toys manufacturing business


It is said that children live in toys, This is because toys are probably kids best friend at this age. So merchants associated with this business can earn a lot of profit. So the demand for toys will remain the same in future, In such a situation, it can be profitable for you to do business. In this post you will get all the information related to plastic moulded toys manufacturing.

Process for Toys manufacturing?

To make toys, you have to first make any plastic toys such as pavs, abs, hutp ect granules of that material are mixed with additives in the mixer. After which this mixture is fed with the help of hoppers in the molding machine with the help of injection. after This mixture melts with the help of the heater installed in the machine , so which is injected through the injector into the mold in the injection modding machine.

After this, the solid part is removed from the machine, these solid parts are then sent to the cutting and painting section. According to the design and size of the solid part, so they are painted manually or by means of a painting machine. After which they are dried and sent to the assembly line, where the deficient parts are added and fixed.

Finally, with the help of a packaging machine, they are packed and sent to market to be sold.

Raw Material for Toys manufacturing ?

  1. Food grade :ABS plastic Granules/ PVC Granules.
  2. Additives.
  3. Paints and Packaging Materials ect.

Machines :

  1. Mixer.
  2. Injection Moulding Machine.
  3. Blow Moulding Machine.
  4. CNC Painting Machine.
  5. Ultrasonic Welding Machine.
  6. Pad Painting Machine.
  7. Pad Gun Apparatus.
  8. Touque Gun.
  9. Packaging Machine.

Manpower Requirement for Toys manufacturing?

  1. Toy mold designer (2-3)
  2. Skilled Machine Operator (3-4)
  3. Unskilled Worker (3-4)

Requirement for Toys manufacturing?

  1. Small scale :400-1000 Sqft. (at home )
  2. Medium scale :1000-2000 Sqft.
  3. Large scale: 4000-5000 Sqft.

Electricity Consumption for Toys manufacturing?

  1. Small scale : 30-40 KW
  2. Medium scale : 40-45 KW
  3. Large scale: Not specific.

Investment for Toys manufacturing?

  1. Small scale : 15 to 20 Lac
  2. Medium scale : 25 to 30 Lac
  3. Large scale: 40 to 45 Lac

Profitability  rate ?

This business is very profitable ,there are different rate toys in the market.Your profitabilty depends on the design and quality of your product.You can earn 25 to 30% per piece.


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