Top 3 Tea Brands For Franchise Business in India


In India, chai is not just a cup of tea to start the day its more than that, One of the oldest drinks in history and also India’s most popular drink . The tasty sweet drink is an integral part of the rhythm of life. Tea is Everything in India, from neighborly gossip to extreme political conference happens over a cup of tea. – the country consumes a whopping 837 thousand(837000) tonnes of tea every year! so here is Tea Brands For Franchise Business
The rite of drinking chai go beyond the limits, and roadsides are dotted with chai wallahs who serve it boiled up with spices, sugar and milk.
chai is India’s great leveler. Everyone loves to drinks tea — the laborer, the office peon, the house wife, the grandmother, the teacher, the student, the domestic worker, the prime minister

Why Tea Franchise Business?

Here is the answer why you should Start a chai franchise Business.

1) Budget Cafe : as a chai franchise the budget is low but profit is very high because consumes a whopping 837 thousand(837000) tonnes of tea every year so this business is never going to end.
2) Low cost Low Risk: as you know in India you can buy a cup of chai at rs.10. The cost is low so the risk also low.
3) Large Consumer base: as i mention above chai is more than just a cup of chai to start the day. India has large consumer base around 80% of the household consumes tea so tea business will grow day by day.
4) Helping hands : as you take a chai franchise business the brand will support you from the different ways.
5) Goodwill : as you know the following brands are very famous so the chances are very high to earn a handsome income.

Why Tea Franchise Business?

chai is India’s best loved beverage. it has a very big industry in the country around 80% of the household consumes tea. As most of the people here are tea loving and drinks at least twice a day. so here are most popular and profitable chai franchise business opportunity.

1. Chai Garam:

We serve our chai the way Indians like the most!! Freshly Brewed, Handmade

Chai Garam is a platform for entrepreneurship. We invite to partner with enterprising, motivated individuals and provide them with an opportunity to become entrepreneurs and grow with us. We are totally bound to make each outlet a success.

India has The Tea Cafe is around 1800 Crore industry. India is a chai drinking nation, Most Indians have Tea at least twice a day! Increase rapidly middle class accounting for 50% of the population are serve by brands like ‘Chai Garam’.

Benefits :

It is a budget cafe
Low investment so low chance of risk
Large consumer base
Low working capital
Perennial product mix
Break even can be achieved easily
Watch the video below for more information :


2.Chai Sutta Bar:

Chai Sutta Bar is increasing in size at a rapid rate in India and came into existence in 2016.

First, they planted their seed of Cafe in Indore and now they are situated all over India with 48+ franchises.

The fascinating fact about their cafe is that in their beginning days they were able to sell 4000-5000 Kulhads every day and now they are standing at the mark of 80,000+ sales per day.

Chai Sutta Bar doesn’t want to borders itself not only in India, but they also want to develop the Indian flavor of their Kulhad across the border
Franchise Details

The requirements for a Franchise as followis:
Capital= Solid Financial backup with capable to invest.

Experience= Considerable experience in the food service industry.

Ability= Able to look after day-to-day activitys of the business

Location = Adequate retail space at a prominent location

Watch the video below for more information:


3. Patil Amruttulya:

Patil Amruttulya is the very famous Tea cafe started by in Nanded, Railway Station Rd, Shivaji Putala. Customers can taste and enjoy the complimentary chai.
on offer and taste the finest choise of Indian Teas from Darjeeling, Assam, Nilgiri, Kangra, Sikkim, and Munnar.
This cafe offers both Tea and coffee at a cost of Rs.10 and Rs.15 respectively. It is one of the best Indian tea cafes. It is emerging day by day. In the north region of India, it is gaining popularity because of the taste of the tea and its service.

Benefits of Taking the Franchise of Patil Amruttulya:

a)Fastest growing tea cafe
b)Quick service chain
c)Serving hot
d)Much other variety of tea is also available
e)Quick turn around

“It’s not a Tea, It’s refreshing burst”
Watch the video below for more information :

In the End chai is now not just a beverage, but woven into the fabric of this nation is hard to dispute .

we hope this blog will you to achieve your goals.

 If you have any Query or any suggestions then just put a comment in the Comment Box Below or Whats app

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