How Dmart is Best Profitable Business Model in India


DMart Business Model in India

Avenue Super marts Limited is operating is Business Under the Brand of Dmart. Dmart is the Best Supermarket Business model in India. DMart is the Business Chain of Super Market Founded by Shri RadhaKishan Damani in 2002

Dmart Business Model

Radha Kishan Damani is the India’s Second richest Person with the Net Worth of Over 17.8 Billion. Dmart is also Listed in BSE and NSE in India.

Avenue Supermarts Limited is highly profitable company in-spite of giving maximum offers in Dmart Stores and Ready App       

D Mart is operating in Two business Models

  • DMart Offline Stores : There are more than 200 Dmart Stores in India where you will found all the Categories of Foods. These are basically a Mall or Super market Stores.
  • DMart Pickup Points : These are the Small Stores near you where you can collect the order placed online.
  • Dmart online Store by the name of Dmart Ready : Dmart Ready is Mobile application. Just Download it and start shopping.

DMart Operations in India

Dmart is currently operating in about 75 Cities of 11 States in India with over 200 Stores.

Head Office of the Dmart company is in Mumbai, Maharashtra and Operational in Punjab, Karnataka, Haryana, Uttarpradesh, NCR of Delhi and Many Others.

How to get Franchise of Dmart

D’Mart is not Providing Franchise opportunity. All the Stores operated in India is Owned by Avenue Super marts Limited. I Request you all to Be aware of the People providing Franchise of d mart

You can Join Dmart Super market Business in Following Ways

1. Become a Supplier of Dmart : If you are the manufacturer of any of the Product that can be sold in Dmart store then you can Join. You Need to fill a Form in Dmart Website and provide all your Required Details.

2. Open the Dmart Store in your Area by providing space to Dmart Business at Rent. : This is the second way of Joining the Dmart Stroe near you. Dmart is not providing any Franchise in India but you can provide them your Land. Dmart believes in Purchasing of Land and creating their Own Stores but they can take it on Rent as well.

Conclusion on Dmart Business Model

So Above are all about Dmart Business Model in India. If you have any Query or any suggestions then just put a comment in the Comment Box Below or Whats app
whatsapp call to action by ashish aggarwal  There are many other Business who are Operating with

Mart names and providing Franchises Like


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