Bubunu Roadside Assistance Franchise.


Franchise for Roadside Assistance

We have brought with new Franchise for Roadside Assistance in which I will tell about the business which is related to the automobile business, In which you can sell this business like a SIM card.
you can start this business anywhere whether it is a metro station, Road, etc. Sell 10 products in a day and earn 5000 means you can earn 1.5 lack per month.

Bubunu RSA

Before we talk about the RSA Means Road Side Assistance product, I want to tell you about RSA, what is RSA and why is this product required?
It often happens that when we are ready to go, the vehicle will be punctured, the vehicle is not starting, the battery will be down, or the car is broken.
When there is important work and it happens at that time, then we are so disturbed that in such a situation, Bubunu has brought an RSS service for you You can fix your car’s puncture, battery down while sitting at home.

RSA Bubunu post

If you puncture your car at home, the battery is down, then the related solution gives you sitting at home, or you are going somewhere, your car will be down in the road, at that time you are not mechanically around, the puncture is not going to fix it.

At that time, you have a problem, then in such a situation, Bubunu is required, where this service is provided to all over India by leaving the hill station.

Bubunu has brought tremendous packages for you. Everyone who owns a car knows that at least 20000, 25000, 50000, 100000 is spent on the insurance of the month.

And you spend 2000, 6000, 10000 on your health per month, But such an important thing that we always forget is RSA service.
Roadside assistance franchise

Bubunu RSA is giving you packages at the rate of 100Rs months in only 1200Rs months of the year.

You give only 1200+GST of the year and be tension-free for the whole year.

If ever your car is defective, it will give you roadside assistance services, you just have to pay the cost of the services. Mechanical you don’t have to pay.

Cost of the franchise of Roadside Franchise

The cost of this franchise is 10000 and if you take this franchise for your business then you will get a 30-40% profit which can be beneficial for your business.

Services of this franchise

We are going to provide the best services in this franchise.

  • If there is a minor problem, then helpers will come and fix the problem where there is a problem in your car, but
  • If there is a major problem, then the helpers will take the car to the garage and fix it And will give it back to the same place from where they bring it out.

servise of car

Why you choose this franchise?

  • We provide services if there is a minor or major.
  • Franchise cost is 10000 for those who want to take this as a business.
  • The service cost of this franchise is 1200/-.
  • 30-40% profit who take this franchise.
  • 100% trusty business.
  • Roadside emergency service.
    servise of car

Benefits of this franchise

  • You can trust our service.
  • The great benefit with low cost.
  • Franchise for all Car Owners, Garage Owners, etc.
  • In delivering the service within 30 Minutes.
  • Crossroads own Presence & coverage.

Contact Details

For more details which you want to know call us on  782771909970114667667557557007 
and Email us at franchisebatao@gmail.com

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